The Great Society Speech True or False

1. LBJ had the Great Society. FDR had the New Deal. What was JFK's domestic policy agenda called? -> Big Deal
2. Why did LBJ call the 89th Congress (1965-1967) "fabulous"? -> It made Martin Luther King's birthday a federal holiday.
3. Before the Senate could pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act, it had to do something no previous Senate had ever done. What was it? -> Persuade two-thirds of the Senate to agree to end a filibuster against the bill (a.k.a. invoking cloture)
4. In 1964 Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater warned that government under Johnson was like this fictional character. -> Big Brother from 1984
5. Why was Senator LBJ called the "Master of the Senate"? -> He was incredibly skilled at getting senators to vote his way.
