Washington's Farewell Address Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Washington's Farewell Address? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What was the core issue at the heart of the development of political parties during Washington's presidency?

The strength of the centralized federal government
American isolationism with regard to foreign countries
Racism and xenophobia toward anyone not descended from white, British ancestors
Whether "gif" is pronounced with a hard or soft "g"
Q. What event in the years just prior to Washington's farewell address had set off serious warfare in Europe, which in turn affected the United States?

The French Revolution
The unification of Germany
The Protestant Reformation
David Beckham becoming a free agent
Q. What bothered the Americans who would eventually form the Democratic-Republican party about Washington's presidency?

They thought the federal government had too much power and was too similar to the monarchies of old Europe.
The lack of a real election since Washington was just chosen by a group of influential politicians without the people getting to vote
Washington's reluctance to trade with foreign countries, which would help the economy and build positive foreign relations
Washington's consistent refusal to get a presidential pet, citing Martha's "allergies" as an excuse
Q. How was the war in Europe affecting the United States while Washington was president?

British and French ships were interfering with American ones and kidnapping American sailors.
All of the countries involved stopped buying American products, believing the United States to be in league with their enemies.
Washington's neutrality proclamation motivated both Britain and France to enact trade embargoes against the United States.
It made a lot of Americans cancel their travel plans, which was really frustrating because those trips were nonrefundable.
Q. With which country had the United States recently completed a successful treaty, opening up trade routes in North America?

Great Britain