Washington's Farewell Address Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Washington's Farewell Address? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which classic "villains" did Washington have to deal with during his presidency?

Mad scientists
Drug cartels
Q. What was significant about the place where Hamilton died in a duel?

It was the same place where his son had died in a duel several years earlier.
It was the site of the British surrender at the end of the American Revolution.
It was at the house where he was born.
It was the site of the first McDonald's.
Q. How did Thomas Jefferson and James Madison attempt to stop Great Britain and France from interfering with American ships?

With a total embargo on foreign trade
By equipping all U.S. ships with military weaponry
By negotiating with the monarchs of both countries to punish the perpetrators
Two words: water balloons
Q. What was the name of the first opposition political party in U.S. history?

The Democratic-Republicans
The Federalists
The Republicans
The Lannisters
Q. Who of the following physically fought in the American Revolution?

Alexander Hamilton
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
Mel Gibson