FDR's First Inaugural Address True or False

1. Despite their common last name, fifth cousins Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt shared little else, the biggest difference being what? -> They supported different political parties.
2. The Roosevelts were not the first (or last) presidential dynasty in America. Let's see how well you know your political families by selecting the phony pair of presidents: -> Richard Nixon and Richard Nixon Jr.
3. In a move more medieval than modern, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt were married despite their young ages, the objections of Franklin's mother, and -> already being married to other people.
4. Which pair of assassinated presidents have, according to some conspiracy theories, a fishy amount of coincidences in common? -> Jefferson and Adams
5. If Hillary Clinton had been elected president in November 2016, she would have been the first woman in office and the first related to another president by -> marriage.
