The Church and Prejudice: Slavery Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Sentence)

Quote #4

he could pray at morning, pray at noon, and pray at night; yet he could lash up my poor cousin by his two thumbs, and inflict stripes and blows upon his bare back, till the blood streamed to the ground! all the time quoting scripture, for his authority, and appealing to that passage of the Holy Bible which says, "He that knoweth his master's will, and doeth it not, shall be beaten with many stripes!" Such was the amount of this good Methodist's piety. (42-43)

The quote is from Luke 12:47, and (no surprise) it's not talking about American slavery. The "master" of the quote refers to God, not the Southern slaveholder. But hey, nothing like putting yourself in God's place so you can beat the crap out of another of God's children and still feel good about yourself. This is a good lesson in not taking quotes out of context.

Repeat after Shmoop: "I will not take quotes out of context. Ever."