Alien and Sedition Acts: Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Law.Section)

Quote #4

"And the jury who shall try the cause, shall have a right to determine the law and the fact, under the direction of the court, as in other cases." (Sedition.3)

Thank goodness, a mention of a jury. Although, you could look at this cynically: the one act of the bunch that applies to native-born citizens is the only one guaranteeing that trial by jury promised in the 6th Amendment.

Quote #5

"And be it further enacted, That every master or commander of any ship or vessel which shall come into any port of the United States after the first day of July next, shall immediately on his arrival make report in writing to the collector or other chief officer of the customs of such port, of all aliens, if any, on board his vessel, specifying their names, age, the place of nativity, the country from which they shall have come, the nation to which they belong and owe allegiance, their occupation and a description of their persons..." (Friends.2)

That's a lot of information on these people. It's almost like they're being judged before they've done anything.