His Girl Friday Resources


The (first) Front Page

His Girl Friday came along later, in 1940.

Hold the Presses for Howard Hawks

The Turner Movies Classics page for Hawks, including a biography and links to information about his many films.

Home of the Screwball

A site devoted to screwball comedies, including discussions of the most important films in the genre, essays on audiences, and links to contemporary reviews.

Book or TV Adaptations

The Front Page—Hildy's a Guy Again

A 1974 film directed by Billy Wilder starring Jack Lemmon as Hildy and Walter Matthau as Walter. Based on the original play, it also draws inspiration from the film.

Switching Channels—Hildy's a Girl Again

A 1988 film with Burt Reynolds, Kathleen Turner, and Christopher Reeve, loosely based on His Girl Friday.

Articles and Interviews

"The Maddest Newspaper Comedy of Our Time"

The original 1940 New York Times review of His Girl Friday.

Lots of Dialogue

A discussion of the film, including an extensive plot recap with numerous quotes.

"The Gags/Minute Ratio"

An analysis of His Girl Friday's cinematography and gender politics.


"Let's Listen In to One of Their Tender, Idyllic Love Scenes"

An original trailer for His Girl Friday. Oddly much of it shows scenes from the film with dialogue removed—which seems like it misses the point.

"Duke, How Do You Like This Idea?"

A 1971 interview with Howard Hawks, focusing mostly on his Westerns and his relationship with John Wayne.


Just the Crazy Dialogue, Please

A live radio performance, with Grant and Russell, of His Girl Friday (somewhat condensed from the movie version). Note that there's a laugh track as well.

Known for His Tough Women

A brief audio biography of Hawks


She Learned About Men From Him!

The original movie poster for His Girl Friday. Walter looks awfully crafty, doesn't he?

Love Triangle

A promotional image for His Girl Friday, with Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell, and Ralph Bellamy all mugging enthusiastically.

I Can See Your Tonsils, Cary

Another promotional image. Rosalind Russell looks like she's about to dissolve into giggles.