Hills Like White Elephants Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

"We can go everywhere."

"No, we can't. It isn't ours any more." (78-79)

Regardless of what happens, the shared magic, the shared beauty of the world no longer belongs to them, as a couple. Jig might never be able to get over the fact that the man doesn’t want to share parenthood with her.

Quote #5

"I'm perfectly willing to go through with it if it means anything to you."

"Doesn't it mean anything to you? We could get along." (91-92)

"Go through with it" is code for "get married," and is definitely low on our list of most romantic proposals. It doesn’t sound like he sees it as much of a choice. Could they, in fact, get along now that Jig knows that he doesn’t really want to marry her or be a father?