Henry VI Part 3 Duty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #10

Lascivious Edward, and thou perjured George,
And thou misshapen Dick, I tell you all
I am your better, traitors as you are,
And thou usurp'st my father's right and mine. (5.5.34-37)

Even when he's captured in battle, Prince Edward passionately defends his right to the crown. He's got more guts than his dad had, anyway. This little speech shows us that Prince Edward's not torn between his duties; he knows exactly what he's supposed to do and does it. It's as simple as that. But he also winds up dead, so it's not a total victory, and let's be real: it's not as if Prince Edward doesn't want the crown. He'd love to be king; whatever he says, it's personal desire—and not duty, specifically—that makes him vie for the crown like this.