Henry VI Part 2 Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #10

I thought you
would never have given out these arms till you had
recovered your ancient freedom. But you are all
recreants and dastards, and delight to live in slavery
to the nobility. (4.8.25-29)

Trying to convince the rebels to fight on his side after Clifford has made a persuasive speech about re-joining the king, Cade pulls out all the stops. He purposely puts the commoners down by using words like "recreants" (villain) and "dastards" (coward). Then he puts himself in that group, alongside them, saying that they're all fighting together against the fact that the nobles treat them like slaves. Do you think Cade actually cares about the commoners? Or is he just after power and status, too?