Henry IV Part 2 Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Line numbers correspond to the Norton edition.

Quote #4

I will take your counsel.
And were these inward wars once out of hand,
We would, dear lords, unto the Holy Land. (3.1.110-112)

King Henry IV has been talking about leading a crusade ever since he started feeling guilty about the deposition of King Richard back in Richard II. So, we're not surprised here when he says he wishes the civil war were over so he could lead an army to Jerusalem. Why is Henry so eager to rumble with the "pagans" in the Holy Land? Be sure to check out 4.5 below.

Quote #5

Sir, a word with you. I
have three pound to free Mouldy and Bullcalf.
Go to, well. (3.2.252-254)

Falstaff's corrupt draft practices continue in Part 2. Here, he takes bribes from Mouldy and Bullcalf, who don't want to serve in the military. This recalls Falstaff's behavior in Henry IV Part 1, where he abused his powers as the Captain of a troop of foot soldiers. Not only did he take bribes from able bodied soldiers, "yeoman's sons" whose families could afford to buy their way out of service, he also amassed a group of "ragged" troops, many of whom are fresh "out of prison" (Henry IV Part 1, 4.2.4).

Quote #6

So that this land, like an offensive wife
That hath enraged him on to offer strokes, (4.1.220-221)

When the Archbishop of York says that King Henry is like a husband who raises his hand to strike his "wife," he compares the civil war to domestic violence. If you're interested in thinking about this some more, check out "Quotes" for "Family."