Women Quotes in Heist Society

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Kat] had simply been so long inside boys' clubs that she forgot sometimes that, anatomically at least, she was not a younger, smaller version of the men who sat around Uncle Eddie's kitchen table. (9.14)

Once again, we see how the environment you're raised in inevitably shapes your values. Kat values stereotypically masculine ideals: level-headedness, strength, and confidence. Which is why she often views herself as one of the boys. (And why, we're guessing, she sometimes has trouble viewing herself as an attractive woman.)

Quote #5

How was it possible for Gabrielle to be even prettier when she slept, when Kat herself could rarely wake up without encountering at least a little bit of drool. (11.66)

Even though Kat values stereotypically masculine personality traits, she sometimes yearns to be a bit elegant and feminine, too. Boys drool, girls rule, that type of thing.

Quote #6

If you lived in 1921, and if you had more money than time, and if you were a woman, then there were very few acceptable ways in which you were allowed to fill your days. (18.1)

The woman imagined in this passage, an art collector, would have been Kat had she lived in 1921. Fast forward a hundred years, though, and Kat is a globe-trotting art thief. We're not sure if that's considered "acceptable," but it sounds a bit more exciting to us than "spinster."