Lies and Deceit Quotes in Heist Society

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It's fall break [...] I wanted to see how you were doing." (4.16)

We guess it's not that hard to lie to a master thief if you're related to the guy. Kat's dad never suspects that Kat actually got kicked out of school. Maybe his lack of suspicion is actually a testament to Kat and her dad's strained relationship.

Quote #5

The best time to pull a con is when the weather should be changing—but isn't. People feel lucky. (6.1)

It seems that timing is a big factor in pulling off a successful con. You have to find a way to anticipate and control your mark's reactions.

Quote #6

"You had to use her to help you? Gabrielle!" (8.43)

While Kat isn't exactly happy that Hale deceived her, she's really mad when she finds out that Gabrielle was in on the game. Why does this lie make Kat so much angrier? What's with her and Gabrielle, anyway?