How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
There are two dozen truly great museums in the world. [...] But, of course, even great museums are not created equal. (15.1)
We actually get to explore museums through this book, not just lots of countries. However, the main museum featured in Heist Society, the Henley, is fictional. So is the art it contains. Do the author's "lies" change our experience of the art industry in this novel?
Quote #8
Kat used to love Paris, but as she walked away from her father that afternoon, the sidewalks seemed too crowded and foreign and cold. (22.1)
This is the second time we're told that Kat used to love Paris. But, apparently, she doesn't anymore. Hm, maybe Paris isn't really all it's cracked up to be. It's can't all be Amelie and Eiffel Tower.
Quote #9
La Casa di Vetro was neither Rome's most expensive restaurant nor its most exclusive. [...] There were no tourists here, no crowds—only decadent smells and soft candlelight. (29.1)
It's important for thieves to blend in like locals, and that's why Arturo Taccone dines in a place where the locals dine—not at a tourist trap.