Havisham Summary

Our speaker starts out with a punch: she tells us about her "beloved sweetheart bastard," the fiancé who stole all her money and jilted her on the morning of their wedding day. She says she's prayed for his death every day since he left her. Ouch. Still wearing her wedding dress decades later, she tells us that she reeks (yep, she flat out stinks) and can't forget the past. She has spent entire days in bed. When she looks in the mirror, she asks herself who's at fault for her terrible life.

Next surprise? Our lady says that she sometimes has erotic dreams about her lost fiancé, but she always wakes up with a start. She equates love with hate and imagines a red balloon bursting in her face. She lets us know that she's stabbed a wedding cake (TMI!) and she asks for a male corpse to keep her company. Yeah. Finally, she finishes by saying that the heart isn't the only thing that breaks after a doomed love affair.