Gender Quotes in Having Our Say

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Don't go thinking because we are maiden ladies that Sadie and I didn't have a lot of beaus. We were popular, good-looking gals, but I think we were too smart, too independent for most men. (4.14.3)

What would the sisters have gained by getting married? Regardless, we'd guess that they'd be hard pressed to find a guy who lives up to their standards—or, to be frank, a guy who could handle either one of these fierce maiden ladies.

Quote #8

There were eleven women out of a class of about 170. There were about six colored men. And then there was me. I was the only colored woman! (5.17.3)

Bessie has to overcome two completely distinct forms of prejudice at Columbia. But we all know that Bessie isn't one to back down from a challenge, and this is no exception to the rule.

Quote #9

Why would I want to give up my freedom and independence to take care of some man? [...] Honey, I wasn't interested! (5.17.15)

At the time, women certainly were expected to be their husband's housekeeper. Would the life of a married woman really have suited either one of our sumptuous sisters? Thank goodness times have changed!