Hatchet Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

But even alone it was beautiful and he fed the fire to cut the night chill. There it is again, he thought, that late summer chill to the air, the smell of fall. He went to sleep thinking a kind of reverse question. He did not know if he would ever get out of this, could not see how it might be, but if he did somehow get home and go back to living the way he had lived, would it be just the opposite? Would he be sitting watching television and suddenly think about the sunset up in back of the ridge and wonder how the color looked in the lake? (17.30)

Boy, the grass is always greener, ain't it? Out in beautiful nature, Brian can't wait to get back to his own cozy bed. But he's a smart kid, and he knows that once he's back there, another kind of isolation will take over—that of a divorced kid. So he might as well soak up all the beauty he can while he's out there. It might give him a nice place to imagine when things are less than peachy back home.