Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Quote #7

RON: Harry, do you think this mirror shows the future?

HARRY: How can it? Both my parents are dead.

A bracing dose of reality in the face of some powerful magic. As much as Harry loves his mom and dad, they're gone…and he's wise enough to recognize it.

Quote #8

VOLDEMORT: Haha. Bravery. Your parents had it too. Tell me, Harry, would you like to see your mother and father again? Together, we can bring them back

The devil always tempts you with what you want the most. In this case, he's offering Harry a family again.

Quote #9

DUMBLEDORE: Harry, do you know why Professor Quirrell couldn't bear to have you touch him? It was because of your Mother. She sacrificed herself for you. And that kind of act leaves a mark. No, this kind of mark cannot be seen. It lives in your very skin.

HARRY: What is it?

DUMBLEDORE: Love, Harry. Love.

Mom loves you, Harry. Don't ever forget it.