Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Quote #4

CHO CHANG: Yeah, I'm okay. Anyway, it's worth it. It's just... learning all this makes me wonder, if he'd known it...

HARRY POTTER: Cedric did know this stuff. He was really good. It's just, Voldemort was better.

CHO CHANG: You're a really good teacher, Harry. I've never been able to stun anything before.

Ah, young love. This is the moment right before Harry and Cho share their first kiss. So. Many. Feelings. Cho is obviously attracted to Harry, but feeling sad about Cedric, too. Wow. This would be way less complicated if she could just develop a crush on a boy who didn't witness her ex being murdered.

Quote #5

SIRIUS BLACK: When all this is over we'll be a proper family. You'll see.

And this is the moment that Sirius marked himself for death through the power of irony. Geez, can't Harry Potter have one nice loving adult in his life?

Quote #6

HARRY POTTER: I tried so hard to help, and all it's done is made things worse. Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore, because I don't want to play anymore. All it does is make you care too much. The more you care the more you have to lose. You maybe it's just best to...


HARRY POTTER: To go it alone.

Say it ain't so, Harry! Caring is sharing. Love can move mountains. These are lessons Harry will learn by the end of the movie, but, for now, he is in anger mode and definitely does not want any hugs. Or love. So back off.