Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Quote #7

DUMBLEDORE: As the council is very much aware, I've given evidence on this matter. Severus Snape was indeed a Death Eater and, prior to Lord Voldemort's downfall, turned spy for us at great personal risk.

KARKAROFF: It's a lie!

DUMBLEDORE: Today he's no more a Death Eater than I am.

KARKAROFF: Severus Snape remains faithful to the Dark Lord!

Pay attention, Shmoopers, because this is actually going to be important as we move into the next films. Is Snape reformed? Or is he still faithful to Voldemort? This question is going to be huge later on—you heard it here first.

Quote #8

LUCIUS MALFOY: I assure you, my Lord, I have never renounced the old ways. The face I have been obliged to present each day since your absence—that is my true mask.

Hmm, yet another person whose loyalties are a little…blurry, shall we say? Not that Lucius has really been that good at keeping his leanings toward Voldemort on the down low. He's a total snot to the Weasleys and Harry at the tournament, since he thinks he's above everyone—totally a Voldemort-esque 'tude, if you ask us. But he's not bad or obvious enough to be arrested (guess that's the "mask" he mentions), so it seems he's kind of doing a good job with the whole secrecy thing?

Quote #9

VOLDEMORT: Shall I reveal what really happened that night, thirteen years ago? Shall I divulge how I truly lost my powers? It was love. You see, when dear, sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only son, she provided the ultimate protection. I could not touch him. It was old magic. Something I should have foreseen.

Wait, you mean love really can conquer evil? The Beatles were right? All you need is love? That's pretty good news, if you ask us. Of course, Voldemort thinks he's found a way around Lily Potter's loving protection by taking his blood. He does seem to have an easier time getting close to/touching Harry with his new-and-"improved" body…we'll just have to see if that translates into him being able to kill Harry as he's promised.