Respect and Reputation Quotes in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

SCORPIUS (exploding): Try my life! People look at you because your dad's the famous Harry Potter, savior of the wizarding world. People look at me because they think my dad is Voldemort. Voldemort. (2.16.48)

Albus is famous, but Scorpius is infamous. Which is worse?

Quote #8

SCORPIUS: You're Head of Magical Law Enforcement? (3.3.5)

In bizarro world, Draco has the same job Harry has in the original timeline. Draco abuses the power and prestige that Harry has, using it torture Muggles. Harry may kind of stink as a dad, but at least isn't a terrible person.

Quote #9

CRAIG BOWKER JR.: You're the Scorpion King. Of course you hate homework. (3.4.10)

Scorpius has a great reputation in the bizarro world. He's like the Anti-Potter, just as popular as Harry Potter, but for completely different reasons. Although Harry had his detractors (like Draco Malfoy), bizarro Scorpius eliminates them with the threat of torture.