Identity Quotes in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

SCORPIUS: But, on the whole, I'd rather be a Malfoy than, you know, the son of the Dark Lord. (1.3.45)

You have to do what you can to come to terms with your identity. You can try to change it, or you can accept it. Scorpius accepts his name because it's better than the rumors that he's Voldemort's son. Perspective is important.

Quote #5

ALBUS: So what would you like me to do? Magic myself popular? Conjure myself into a new House? Transfigure myself into a better student? Just cast a spell, Dad, and change me into what you want me to be, okay? It'll work better for both of us. (1.4.117)

If it were possible for Harry to do these things that Albus sarcastically suggests, do you think he would do it?

Quote #6

RON: You persuaded the Sorting Hat, don't you remember? Panju bet you that you couldn't get into Gryffindor if your life depended on it, so you chose Gryffindor to spite him. (2.9.25)

Here, Ron explains how Albus ended up in Gryffindor in an alternate timeline. Choosing a House to spite another student sounds like something a Slytherin would do, not a Gryffindor, which makes us think our theory about Albus choosing Slytherin even more true.