Andersen's Fairy Tales Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Tale Title.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"If your daughter is to continue in school, then she must become a Christian," he began, and then he tried to explain, "I see in her eyes such longing; it's as if her very soul sought Christ's teaching." (The Servant.5)

Yeah, sometimes people convert to other religions. It happens. But the fact that Andersen wrote a story about a Jewish girl longing to become a Christian reveals which religion he thinks people should convert to, if they're gonna do it at all.

Quote #5

"How absurd it would seem if the bow and the violin should be proud and haughty about their accomplishments. Yet we, human beings, often are; the poets, the artists, the scientists, and even the generals often boast in vain pride. Yet they are all but instruments that God plays upon. To Him alone belongs all honor. We have nothing to pride ourselves upon!" (The Pen and the Inkwell.7)

This poet's musings on the nature of art pretty clearly state that even the best artist is just an instrument of God. Anyone who gets too proud or vain is fooling himself or herself, since God is the real creative genius at work. It's amusing to see this view coming from Andersen, who so clearly sought recognition for his writing. Hypocritical much?

Quote #6

He had plenty of time to contemplate his fate. Why had all this happened to him? This would all be explained in the life after this, which he knew awaited him. This faith in eternal life had grown within him in the poor cottage on the dunes and was now beyond doubt. (A Story from the Dunes.130)

Some of Andersen's characters are absolutely certain that there's a life after this life, and that God exists, and all that Christian stuff. It usually brings them comfort. So it seems like Andersen is saying that religious faith can be a positive force in people's lives.