Andersen's Fairy Tales Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Tale Title.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The more the top thought about the ball, the more in love with her he was. And because he couldn't have her, he wanted her all the more. (The Sweethearts.13)

Okay, so this is a love story with inanimate objects as the main characters, but it still proves a point: people always want what they can't have. Ah, human nature.

Quote #5

But Kai sat still and stiff and cold; then little Gerda cried and her tears fell on Kai's breast. The warmth penetrated to his heart and melted both the ice and the glass splinter in it. (The Snow Queen.203)

Gerda's love helps to free Kai from the Snow Queen's spell. Guess it really is one of the strongest forces in the world.

Quote #6

"Life is given to use by the grace of love. How incredible it is!" (A Story from the Dunes.6)

From a religious viewpoint, yeah, God's love is what led to the creation of life and all that stuff. It seems like Andersen subscribes to this point of view, since he puts it in the mouths of his characters, and doesn't contradict them. In this case, it's a young married couple talking. They're both really religious, really happy, and really in love. Coincidence? We think not.