Great Expectations Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Before I could answer (if I could have answered so difficult a question at all), she repeated, "Love her, love her, love her! If she favours you, love her. If she wounds you, love her. If she tears your heart to pieces—and as it gets older and stronger, it will tear deeper—love her, love her, love her!" (29.85)

Miss Havisham reminds us here of a malfunctioning wind-up toy—all the wires are popping out and it's beginning to smoke. But at least we're getting a good look at how she works, and it's all betrayed and disappointed love.

Quote #5

She said the word often enough, and there could be no doubt that she meant to say it; but if the often repeated word had been hate instead of love—despair—revenge—dire death—it could not have sounded from her lips more like a curse. (29.88)

Well, love is kind of a curse in Great Expectations. Literally the only people who end up together who actually seem to be in love are Clara and Herbert—and they have to go to Cairo for their happy ending.

Quote #6

"Told me! You have never told me when you have got your hair cut, but I have had senses to perceive it. You have always adored her, ever since I have known you. You brought your adoration and your portmanteau here, together. Told me! Why, you have always told me all day long. When you told me your own story, you told me plainly that you began adoring her the first time you saw her, when you were very young indeed." (30.21)

Basically, everything Pip says really means, "I love Estella." We're surprised Herbert puts up with him.