Good Will Hunting Intelligence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Good Will Hunting.

Quote #4

LAMBEAU: Yeah, you were smarter than me then and you're smarter than me now. So, don't blame me for how your life turned out; it's not my fault.

Lambeau is willing to admit that his friend Maguire is smarter than him. But he also thinks deep down that Maguire is a failure who's squandered his gifts, and he doesn't want Will to go down the same path.

Quote #5

MORGAN: My boy's wicked smart.

Will might have tried to hide his intelligence over the years, but his friends aren't dumb. They know there's something really different about Will, even if they can't fully understand what it is or what it means.

Quote #6

WILL: Why? So I can realize she's not that smart, that she's f***in' boring? Y'know—I mean... this girl is like f***in' perfect right now, I don't wanna ruin that.

Will is an intelligent dude, but sometimes he's too intelligent for his own good. In this case, he overthinks his relationship with Skylar by wanting to keep it perfect. Will thinks that if he spends too much time with Skylar, he'll start to see all her imperfections. Or (gasp!) she might see his.