Good Will Hunting Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Good Will Hunting.

Quote #7

MAGUIRE: I can't learn anything from you I can't read in some f***in' book. Unless you wanna talk about you, who you are. And I'm fascinated. I'm in. But you don't wanna do that, do you, sport? You're terrified of what you might say.

Maguire knows that he'll never have a real conversation with Will unless Will learns to open up and talk about himself. So he tries to remind Will that the only stuff he can say that's actually interesting is stuff about himself. After all, Maguire can go to a library if he wants to hear someone quoting everything he says from books.

Quote #8

WILL: Well, I think that's a super philosophy, Sean. I mean that way you could actually go through the rest of your life without ever really knowing anybody.

Will turns the tables on Maguire when he catches Maguire retreating from life because of his wife's death. He mirrors Maguire's own words back to him and basically calls him a hypocrite for not following his own advice. This is a big moment in the movie, because this is when both Maguire and Will start growing as a pair instead of as individuals.

Quote #9

WILL: So I was… I was wonderin' if uh... if, you know, you'd give me another crack at it, you know, lemme take you out again.

Will takes a big step in growing up when he goes back to Skylar after blowing her off and asks her for a second date. Normally, he would retreat from someone he feels such strong feelings for. But after talking to Maguire, Will knows that he needs to start taking more risks with his heart if he's ever going to grow as a person.