Manipulation Quotes in Gone Girl

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #7

I knew I needed a pliant friend for my plan, someone I could load up with awful stories about Nick, someone who would become overly attached to me, someone who'd be easy to manipulate, who wouldn't think too hard about anything I said because she felt privileged to hear it. (36.4)

Amy's manipulation of her neighbor, Noelle, shows just how far she'll go to use people for her own purposes. She fills Noelle up with stories about Nick that probably never happened, leads her to believe they're best friends, and even plots to steal her pee so she can fake her pregnancy. Not exactly the definition of best friend, is it? Next time you get ready to declare someone your best friend and she invites you over for a lemonade binge when the toilet just happens to be broken, it might be time to bolt.

Quote #8

Nick has shown more interest in me these past ten days than he has in the past few years. I've always wanted a man to get in a fight over me—a brutal, bloody fight. Nick going to interrogate Desi, that's a nice start. (44.50)

Check this out: Amy's so narcissistic that she wants to see Nick and Desi duke it out over her. This is clear evidence that one of the reasons Amy manipulates people is to draw attention to herself and gratify her own ego.

Quote #9

I look at Desi with outright disgust now […] I'd forgotten about him. The manipulation, the purring persuasion, the delicate bullying. A man who finds guilt erotic. And if he doesn't get his way, he'll pull his little levers and set his punishment in motion. (50.15)

Manipulation tactics aren't just the domain of chicks in this story—Desi's also pretty good at it. Think about how he just happens to have painted a room in his guesthouse Amy's favorite color and installed a greenhouse full of tulips. She goes to him initially because she thinks she can control him, but he's got her beat. This reminder of the kind of guy he was they were in high school is what triggers her desire to restrict her plot to include his murder.