Lies and Deceit Quotes in Gone Girl

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #10

The baby was a lie. It was the most desolate part for me. My wife as a murderer was frightening, repulsive, but the baby as a lie was almost impossible to bear. The baby was a lie, the fear of blood was a lie—during the past year, my wife had been mostly a lie. (55.68)

It's easy to genuinely feel sad for Nick at this point in the story. His reactions to Amy's story clearly capture the emotional consequences of her behavior. Imagine being told, after all the anguish of dealing with your wife's personality issues, after cheating on her, after the stress of her disappearance and learning she was pregnant, that all of it was phony. It's one of the few times in the book when readers can feel true sympathy for Nick.