Dissatisfaction Quotes in Gone Girl

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #4

"I can ruin you, Nick."

"You already did, Amy." I see the rage flash over him, a shiver. "Why in God's name do you even want to be with me? I'm boring, average, uninteresting, uninspiring. I'm not up to par. You spent the last few years telling me this."

"Only because you stopped trying," I say. "You were so perfect with me. We were so perfect when we started, and then you stopped trying. Why would you do that?"

"I stopped loving you." (56.7-10)

Wow. If this exchange just makes you feel completely sad for these people, we can't blame you. Amy and Nick's first encounter alone in their home after she escapes from (and kills) Desi reveals a lot about the flaws that have existed in their marriage pretty much since day one. Their biggest problem is that they allowed their relationship to tank by not putting any effort into it and working through their issues. Instead, they become disenchanted with each other, which only makes the problems that follow harder to overcome.

Quote #5

I was about to say what an idiot I was, not listening to [Go] about the booze.

"I would have finished the bottle, too." She patted my back. (9.46-47)

We hope you've read enough books to know this already, but drowning your problems in alcoholic beverages never does anything good for anybody. Ever. Fictional characters seem especially susceptible to the menaces of this avoidance behavior. Rather than directly face his problems, Nick sees booze as a place to hide from his discontent.

Quote #6

"I mean, that's what I'm worried about," I said. "Guys are camped out everywhere. This whole town is overrun with pissed off, unemployed people. (11.4)

Nick isn't the only one in this book who's frustrated by the economic downturn—North Carthage itself seems like a cesspool of downtrodden, discontent people the recession has smacked in the face. The general mood of the town, from the line of unemployed guys waiting to kill time at The Bar to the abandoned houses in Nick's development, is one of deep sorrow and anger. You're probably not going to cancel your Spring Break cruise plans and head to Missouri instead.