The Golden Compass Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The great bear was helpless. Lyra found her power over him almost intoxicating, and if Pantalaimon hadn't nipped her hand sharply to remind her of the danger they were all in, she might have lost all sense of proportion. (19.186)

Notice how power is something potentially dangerous as Lyra becomes "intoxicated" by it. She's so blinded by Mrs. Coulter's glamorous power, at first, that she doesn't notice that the woman uses her power to do bad things.

Quote #8

"You see, your mother's always been ambitious for power. At first she tried to get it in the normal way, through marriage, but that didn't work, as I think you've heard. So she had to turn to the Church. Naturally she couldn't take the route a man could have taken – priesthood and so on – it had to be unorthodox; she had to set up her own order, her own channels of influence, and work through that. It was a good move to specialize in Dust. Everyone was frightened of it; no one knew what to do; and when she offered to direct an investigation, the Magisterium was so relieved that they backed her with money and resources of all kinds." (21.127)

Lyra's mother has always been after power in the Church and finally found a route to pursue it.

Quote #9

For she remembered his words: the energy that links body and daemon is immensely powerful; and to bridge the gap between worlds needed a phenomenal burst of energy.... (22.10)

The strong link between humans and their daemons is another source of power in the book. It literally is a source of energy, just like gasoline or solar power, only stronger.