Godzilla Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Godzilla.

Quote #4

SERIZAWA: Exactly. If used as a weapon, it could lead humanity to extinction, just like the H-bomb. But I'm determined to find a use for the Oxygen Destroyer that will benefit society. Until then, I won't reveal its existence. That's why I told the reporter nothing. Should anyone try to force me to use it before then, I'm willing to give up my life and destroy my work rather than let that happen.

In many ways, Serizawa's discovery parallels that of using nuclear fission as a weapon.

In the 1930s, Enrico Fermi hit uranium with neutrons in an attempt to turn the uranium into a new, artificial particle. What he actually discovered was nuclear fission—although it would take several more scientists and experiments to figure that out (Source).

By the time people realized the destructive potential for this process, the cat had already been blown out of the bag/ While nuclear fission can be used for beneficial purposes, like clean energy, we'll have to live with its destructive potential, too.

Quote #5

SERIZAWA: Ogata, you two win. But this will be the first and last time I ever allow the Oxygen Destroyer to be used.
[Serizawa burns his notes. Emiko begins to cry.]

SERIZAWA: It's all right, Emiko. This is the only way to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

Serizawa's no fool. Rather than ignore the history of nuclear armament, he chooses to learn from it and destroys his notes to prevent other scientists from following his footsteps.

Of course, his technology relies on natural processes that any other scientist could stumble upon and duplicate, so really he's just postponing the inevitable. Wow that's…that's super depressing to think about.

Quote #6

REPORTER: What emotion! What joy! Victory at last! I saw Godzilla's lifeless corpse sink into the sea with my own eyes! This victory belongs to young Dr. Serizawa, scientist of the century!

Science and technology got us into the predicament with Godzilla, but it was science and technology that got us out of it. So…yay?

Kinda. Serizawa's sacrifice provides a hopeful coda in Godzilla, suggesting that people may learn to take responsibility for the technologies they invent and truly use them to benefit society. It's a pretty big maybe, but may still be a maybe…maybe.