Glengarry Glen Ross Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #4

ROMA: Why? Because they're stupid. (2.1.180)

Roma couldn't care less about the perceived authority of the police. He's in the office and he's doing business, which means he has no time for the law.

Quote #5

AARONOW: When I talk to the police, I get nervous

ROMA: Yeah. You know who doesn't? […] Thieves. (2.1.194-195)

As much as Roma mocks the cops, he knows the score: they run the show while they're there, and there is a reason to get nervous. Cops make everyone nervous. But, if you haven't broken their rules, you have nothing to worry about. It's actually a pretty simple view of the way the world works, and far less cynical than you might expect from a man like Roma.

Quote #6

MOSS: Cops got no right to talk to me that way. I didn't rob the place. (2.1.302)

Wethinks the Moss doth protest too much. Okay, so he didn't literally rob the place, but he set the whole plan in motion, and he got a big old cut from it. To show his innocence though, he's going to take a shot at the cops and their rules.