Glengarry Glen Ross Ambition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #4

MOSS: One night's work, and the job with Graff. Working the premium leads. (1.2.279-280)

There's no question that Moss is an ambitious man, however this is just further proof that he's not willing to work to reach his ultimate goals—or he's come to believe that hard work doesn't get you what you want. Moss looks for the easy fix. "One night's work" is how he wants to play it.

Quote #5

ROMA: There is no measure. Only greed. (1.3.50)

Hey—you can't fault a guy for being honest. Greed and ambition drive Roma. Does that make him a good person? Not so much. Is it what makes him the office hotshot? Probably.

Quote #6

LEVENE: 'This is now. This is that thing that you've been dreaming of.' (2.1.410-411)

Selling property is a hard slog. Selling dreams and ambition—well, that's something else entirely, and that's what these guys specialize in. Like Roma, Levene's pitch doesn't focus on the property, but instead focuses on what people want in life. Levene appeals to their dreams, and lays his pitch out in a way that makes a potential buyer imagine that real estate can change everything about their lives. Is this deceitful? Maybe. Does it work? Well, it did in the past anyway.