Versions of Reality Quotes in The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I brought you into SMP and you start digging up dirt. What kind of media whore are you?"

Berger's eyes narrowed. She turned ice-cold. She had had enough of the word whore. (22.21-22)

Berger gives her boss the benefit of the doubt even after she learns he's involved in child labor. But, when he shows her his colors, she changes her point of view and socks it to him.

Quote #8

With her very appearance she had already indicated that she intended to brush aside the prosecutor's accusations as nonsense. (25.24)

Salander is decked out in makeup, piercings, and a short skirt. She isn't quite showing the court the "real" Salander – she's recreating herself Madonna-style to make a point.

Quote #9

Good God. She's a victim, pure and simple. (28.15-16)

Prosecutor Ekström finally sees that he's been a pawn in the Section's game and that he's helped victimize Salander.