Lies and Deceit Quotes in The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"The only thing left to do is to get rid of Zalachenko's daughter," Clinton said. […] This time we have to bury her so deep she'll never come back to haunt us." (23.100)

Clinton, like his partner Gullberg, is terminally ill. He also seems terminally dangerous, and quite possibly crazy.

Quote #8

"Do you think you could put your hands on…let's say fifty grams of cocaine?" (23.246)

You guessed it. That's Clinton again. He arranges for cocaine to be planted in Blomkvist's apartment. Luckily, the pros at Milton capture the whole thing on tape.

Quote #9

You can see for yourself that her tattoos are grotesque and extend over large parts of her body. That is no normal measure of fetishism or body decoration. (25.80)

Teleborian tries to convince the court that Salander's tattoos are symbols of self hatred, but Giannini demolishes his ludicrous arguments.