Gender Quotes in The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You're wrong. You're a lawyer and you're a recognized authority on women's rights. In my considered view, you're precisely the lawyer she needs." (6.36)

Blomkvist seems to think that Salander could use a women's rights lawyer. Why do you think that is? What about her case makes Blomkvist's sister, Giannini, well suited to represent Salander.

Quote #5

"Let's see if you understand this message. If it happens again I'm going to relieve you of your job as news editor. You'll hear bang-boom, and then you'll find yourself editing the family page or the comics or something like that." (10.127)

Berger talks tough to all the boys at SMP, defying many of the expectations they have of their female editor in chief.

Quote #6

Without actually uttering a single inappropriate word, they displayed an attitude that was so antediluvian it was almost comical. You shouldn't worry your pretty head over complex matters, little girl. (11.107)

"Antediluvian" means "before the flood" – the guys at SMP are really stuck in the dark ages when it comes to women, and they use her gender as an excuse to discount her ideas.