Identity Quotes in The Girl Who Played With Fire

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Blomkvist: "She is a very lonely and odd person […]. Socially introverted. Doesn't like talking about herself. At the same time she is a person with a strong will. She has morals." (14.156)

Would Salander agree with Blomkvist's assessment of her identity? He seems pretty spot on, illustrating her seemingly incongruous strengths and weaknesses.

Quote #8

The letters were irregular and clumsy […]: I AM A SADISTIC PIG, A PERVERT, AND A RAPIST. (15.146)

This is where the police see Bjurman's tattoo after he's dead. The tattoo leads them to believe that, like Salander, there's more to his identity than what's on public record.

Quote #9

Modig: "So you don't actually know if she's sick or not […]. I mean, if there wasn't any diagnosis." (17.142)

Inspector Modig is challenging Salander's ex-psychiatrist Peter Teleborian. She recognizes instantly that Salander's diagnoses are based on the fact that she wouldn't allow herself to be assessed.