Friendship Quotes in The Girl Who Played With Fire

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She had stared at him for a whole minute and decided that she did not have a grain of feeling left, because it would have been the same as bleeding to death. (4.50)

This fabulous sentence lets us know that Salander's emotions are being held back by a flood gate. Let one emotion out, and the whole flood will follow. It also shows us how deeply Salander does feel and how afraid she is of this.

Quote #5

She didn't understand why he had so stubbornly tried to stay in contact with her, as if she were some f***ing welfare project she had taken on. (4.51)

Why do you think Salander is so sure Blomkvist doesn't genuinely like her? She did, after all, save his life, his career, and help him get revenge. Plus, they got along well, most of the time, and had a good time in bed. He has every reason to respect and care for her. Plus, he has no idea that she's under guardianship.

Quote #6

I keep squandering my friends. (5.73)

This realization sets Salander on a path to rectify the situation, though she excludes Blomkvist from the list of people she's trying to reconnect with.