Criminality Quotes in The Girl Who Played With Fire

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Ekström: "I'm going to issue an alert on Salander. She's being sought as a suspect in three murders. […] We have to consider her dangerous and very possibly armed." (14.25)

As much as we'd like to, we can't find fault with Prosecutor Ekström at this juncture. Her prints were on the murder weapon, and we wouldn't like to see what happens to the cop who dares try to arrest her.

Quote #8

Modig to Teleborian: "Are you saying that she should have been locked up before she committed a crime? […] That doesn't really accord with the principles of a society governed by rule of law." (17.130)

Inspector Modig seems like the most sensible person on the police force. She's calling Teleborian on the fact that he advocates denying people thought to be mentally ill the rights under the law that other citizens enjoy.

Quote #9

Teleborian […] was shielded behind a curtain of documents, assessments, academic honours, and psychiatric mumbo jumbo. Not a single one of his actions could ever be reported or criticized. (21.36)

Teleborian is in a position where he can commit any crime he wants against his patients, and it seems he does if Salander's case is any evidence. We, Salander, and Blomkvist learn that he willingly participated in covering up Zala's crimes at Salander's expense.