The Girl Who Played With Fire Chapter 3 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Friday, December 17 – Saturday, December 18

  • Salander tails Dr. Forbes all day. The background check arrives in her inbox.
  • She learns that the wife of Richard Forbes, Geraldine Forbes, has a rich father who left her 40 million dollars when he died. Geraldine and Richard have no children.
  • The hurricane hits Grenada a little after 11pm.
  • Salander joins the others in the hotel's storm cellar. She leaves the bag with her computer there and goes to George Bland's shack to bring him to the hotel.
  • When Bland and Salander reach the hotel, she sees Richard and Geraldine Forbes struggling on the beach. She quickly realizes Richard wants to kill Geraldine for her money.
  • She breaks a chair inside the hotel and with one of the legs, heads toward the struggling pair.
  • Richard doesn't see her, and she smashes him upside the head with the chair leg. He falls.
  • Bland and Salander lift Geraldine, who is bloody from a head wound, and carry her to the hotel.
  • She looks behind them and sees the waves take Richard into the sea.
  • As they get Geraldine into the hotel, Bland agrees not to say they saw Richard Forbes.
  • The next day, after the storm, Salander and Bland learn that Forbes has been found dead.
  • Geraldine doesn't seem to remember anything from that night, but she's very upset about her husband's death.