The Girl Who Played With Fire Chapter 13 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Maundy Thursday, March 24

  • Prosecutor Richard Ekström puts Inspector Jan Bublanski in charge of the murder investigation.
  • His team will consist of Sonja Modig, Jerker Holmberg, Curt Andersson, and Hans Faste.
  • A gun, possible the one used to shoot Dag and Mia, was found at the apartment building. Inspector Nyberg (who interviewed Blomkvist) believes the murders are executions.
  • Blomkvist is at Millennium working at the computer Dag had used. He deletes all files dealing with Dag's confidential sources, and he locks all papers listing confidential sources in his own office.
  • Bublanski gets a call from the forensics lab. The gun found at the scene seems to be the murder weapon. It's registered to a lawyer named Nils Bjurman. His prints are on the gun.
  • Fingerprints belonging to a woman name Lisbeth Salander have also been found on the weapon.
  • Bublanski and Modig look for Bjurman, but can't find him at his office or his apartment.
  • At the station, Faste tells the team he's learned that Salander is a violent prostitute who's under guardianship, and Bjurman was her guardian. She works at Milton Security, probably as a maid.
  • Ekström sends Andersson and Faste to Salander's (old) apartment to bring her in as a suspect.
  • He tells Bublanski to interview Armansky at Milton and Modig to keep looking for Bjurman.
  • From Armansky, Bublanski learns that Salander is a brilliant researcher, not an mentally-challenged lunatic. He learns that Salander and Blomkvist know each other.
  • Blomkvist was the one who found Dag and Mia dead. Salander is now connected to the killings through Blomkvist.