Gigi Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Gigi.

Quote #7

HONORÉ: I was so much in love with you I wanted to marry you. Yes, it's true. I was beginning to think of marriage. Imagine. Marriage. Me. Ha ha! Oh no, I was really desperate, I had to do something, and there was the soprano!

MADAM ALVAREZ: Thank you Honoré. That is the most charming excuse for infidelity I have ever heard.

Real love was too scary for Honoré and he retreated into a more comfortable life of running around with other women. It's a bit of foreshadowing about what could happen with Gaston and Gigi if he finds himself falling for her.

Quote #8

GASTON (singing): Oh no, overnight there's been a breathless change in you. / […] When did your sparkle turn to fire/And your warmth become desire? / Oh, what miracle has made you the way you are?

Boobs, we're pretty sure. Gigi always had them but they were hidden under her schoolgirl clothes vs. being displayed in her grownup gown. Now Gaston sees her differently. At least Gaston waits for her to look like a young adult before he makes his move. He's the one who's changed, not Gigi. His loving protective feelings for little Gigi have morphed into desire. Notice that he totally projects that onto Gigi.

Quote #9

GIGI: You're a wicked man. You're in love with me and you want to drag me into a life that would make me suffer.

Here's where love really triumphs. Gigi's seen the newspaper headlines and she doesn't want to be an object of scrutiny and criticism like Gaston's other mistresses. She has a more authentic idea about love than anyone in the film. To Alicia and Mamita, love is more a lifestyle than a feeling. Gigi knows that if you love someone, you don't subject her to a life you know she'd hate. You give a darn about what she wants.