Memory and the Past Quotes in Fuse

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You wanna know what I'm sentimental about? Pressia says.


"The things I don't remember—stuff I've only heard about" (50.6)

Oh, Pressia. Nostalgic even for the things she can't remember.

Quote #8

"Memory's a tricky thing. It isn't infinite. It's a net. Your mind is an ocean. We can only dredge so far." (51.91)

Good old Arvin Weed gives us a nice metaphor for our minds. Just like an ocean, our memories are so vast that we can't possibly explore their entirety.

Quote #9

He rubs the back of his neck and imagines the taste of dirt, ash. And the imagining is so real it almost feels like a memory. (66.24)

The idea of memory being malleable is complicated here: Partridge isn't imagining, he's remembering. But sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.