From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Big deal," Claudia sobbed. "For all they know, we are grown-ups." (8.43)

When the news comes back that the museum officials already know about the stonemason's mark, Claudia is devastated, even when Jamie tells her that they're treating them like adults. It doesn't matter to Claudia, because they're failing to recognize that they're actually really, really smart kids.

Quote #8

"Yes," Claudia said. "I've been the oldest child since before you were born." (8.95)

Well, there's a duh moment. Of course Claudia's been the oldest child forever. Does she think that they grow at different rates?

Quote #9

It's not a bad face […] These things happen when people get older. And I am getting just that. (9.52)

Ah, the ravages of time and age. Poor Mrs. Frankweiler is caught off guard when Jamie mentions her face and how it's not that scary. There's nothing comforting about being called not that anything…