From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Manning their stations" meant climbing back into the booths and waiting during the perilous time when the museum was open to the staff but not to visitors. (4.6)

It's funny—Claudia and Jamie ran away from home only to be stuck in a place where they have to hide all the time. Hiding may be a part of the whole fugitive lifestyle, but is being locked up in a museum at night really necessary?

Quote #5

"I still say it's too bad we can't touch her," Claudia complained. (6.8)

Even in this world that she's run away to, Claudia can't do everything she wants. Seriously, what's with all these rules, anyway? You're supposed to be able to eat all the ice cream you want, act like a monkey, and say every curse word in your head when you run away from home!

Quote #6

Footsteps from the Italian Renaissance were descending upon them! The guard was coming down the steps. Oh, boloney! thought Jamie. There was just too much time before the museum opened on Sundays. (6.15)

Claudia and Jamie are like little mice hiding from a cat during their time at the museum. They may have run away to be free of all those silly rules at home and school, but they're still subjected to the rules of an authority—the museum hours.