Freak the Mighty Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

There's this weird-looking little dude, he's got a normal-sized head, but the rest of him is shorter than a yardstick and kind of twisted in a way that means he can't stand up straight and makes his chest puff out, and he's waving his crutches around and yelling at the movers. (2.10)

We get quite a colorful description of Freak from Max. You know what we noticed about this passage though? There's no judgment involved. Max is totally just observing Freak's look without thinking anything else of it. He's like the poster child for anti-bullying movements. Go Max!

Quote #5

"What she means is, you're a spitting image of your old man." (5.35)

Leave it to Freak to be blunt about the truth. Here, he's telling Max why Gwen was so surprised when she saw Max. Why is Gwen herself so hesitant to point this out?

Quote #6

Except that's how it must have looked from a distance, because they never knew it was Freak who rescued me—or his genius brain and my big dumb body. (8.3)

Appearances aren't just about how people look. Remember, events can also appear different to different people. Max thinks Freak saved him, while the police think Max saved Freak. Which version of the story do you think is closer to the truth?