Franny and Zooey Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Story.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You want to use this a second?" Lane said abruptly. He was holding out a folded, white handkerchief. His voice sounded sympathetic, kind, in spite of some perverse attempt to make it sound matter-of-fact. (Franny.3.41)

We can see the author's judgment of Lane in the use of the word "perverse."

Quote #5

"He meets this one married couple, on one of his journeys, that I love more than anybody I ever read about in my entire life," Franny said. (Franny.4.13)

Though she tries to play the book off as unimportant at first, Franny can't help but reveal how much it means to her.

Quote #6

"You might like this book," she said suddenly. "It's so simple, I mean." (Franny.4.15)

Franny makes herself so vulnerable here; she's really being honest with Lane for the first time.