Isolation Quotes in Four

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I shrug. "I'm used to being alone." (2.11)

A benefit to Tobias/Four's lifetime of isolation is that being alone doesn't bother him. He's able to turn that aspect of his abuse into strength.

Quote #5

Unlike my outgoing fellow initiates, I wanted to live alone. (3.2)

Four is one of the only initiates to move into an apartment by himself. As we saw from the quote in Part 2, he likes being alone. Social interaction is awkward to him.

Quote #6

The others […] grew up surrounded by Dauntless community, and to them the silence and the stillness of living alone would be unbearable. (3.2)

Four contrasts himself with the gregarious Dauntless, but Tris was also raised in Abnegation. She has an easier time blending in than Four does.