Choice Quotes in Four

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You're coming with me on a date." (3.47)

Here we see a friend of Four's basically forcing him to go on a date. Of course, if the choice were left to Four, he would probably become a celibate priest. Sometimes it's helpful to let someone else make a decision for you.

Quote #8

"Sometime soon, everyone will have to choose a side, and I know which one you would rather be on. I think you could really make a difference with us." (3.215)

Four's mother seems to be giving Four a new choice, but she's really trying to do the same thing his father did: manipulate him into whatever she wants him to be.

Quote #9

My mother presented me with two options yesterday: be a pawn of Dauntless, or become factionless. But there's a third option: to be neither. To align myself with no one in particular. To live under the radar, and free. (3.301)

Four realizes something really important: that he makes his own choice. He doesn't have to choose the options other people lay out for him. He can go his own way.